How can I manage and share documents on Google Drive?

You can use Google Drive to share documents. You must first upload a file or use the built in tools to create a document. Once created you must set the permissions from private to shareable and include who ever needs access to the document/file. This can be shared with specific users, Westmoreland addresses, or anyone on the internet with a link. You can get more info at the Google Support page.

  1. Upload or create your document or file
  2. Click the share button in the upper right

  1. You can add addresses to the "Add people and groups" section or click "Change."

  1. You can set the permissions for the people added t the document. Editors can make changer and Viewers cannot. 

  1. Click send once you are ready or copy the link
  2. Check the Google Support page for more info

You need access message

If you are getting a you need access message you are likely logged into a different account or the permissions for the document may not be set up to include you.

You can change what account you are accessing by:

  1. Open the link to the file you need to access
  2. Click the address at the bottom under “You are signed in as”

  1. Select your @westmoreland or @my.westmoreland address
    1. If you do not see your westmoreland email click on “Sign in to another account” and log in with your Westmoreland info.
  2. Click on “Continue”
  3. If you still are getting the You Need Access message you can request access or contact the person who shared the link with you
  4. Check the Google Support page for more info


For assistance with Gmail, contact: 

Westmoreland County Community College Help Desk



Locally: 724-925-5921, option 1

            Toll Free: 1-800-262-2103, 5921, option 1

            Campus Phone: ext. 5921


  • Last Updated Oct 12, 2023
  • Views 39
  • Answered By

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