How can I manage and share documents on Google Drive?
You can use Google Drive to share documents. You must first upload a file or use the built in tools to create a document. Once created you must set the permissions from private to shareable and include who ever needs access to the document/file. This can be shared with specific users, Westmoreland addresses, or anyone on the internet with a link. You can get more info at the Google Support page.
- Upload or create your document or file
- Click the share button in the upper right
- You can add addresses to the "Add people and groups" section or click "Change."
- You can set the permissions for the people added t the document. Editors can make changer and Viewers cannot.
- Click send once you are ready or copy the link
- Check the Google Support page for more info
You need access message
If you are getting a you need access message you are likely logged into a different account or the permissions for the document may not be set up to include you.
You can change what account you are accessing by:
- Open the link to the file you need to access
- Click the address at the bottom under “You are signed in as”
- Select your @westmoreland or @my.westmoreland address
- If you do not see your westmoreland email click on “Sign in to another account” and log in with your Westmoreland info.
- Click on “Continue”
- If you still are getting the You Need Access message you can request access or contact the person who shared the link with you
- Check the Google Support page for more info
For assistance with Gmail, contact:
Westmoreland County Community College Help Desk
Locally: 724-925-5921, option 1
Toll Free: 1-800-262-2103, 5921, option 1
Campus Phone: ext. 5921